
What information does 777pub collect?

777pub collects two types of information from users:

Personal information
Category 1 information refers to information that identifies or is reasonably likely to identify an individual through reasonable efforts (“Personal Information”). The personal information being collected may include the following:

Registration details: When you open an account and register to use the service, 777pub will ask you to provide 777Pub with certain of your detailed information, such as but not limited to: your account username and password combination, name, email address, gender, birth date Data, physical address, country/region, ID number, phone number, occupation.
Government-issued ID: In some cases, you will be required to provide a copy of your government-issued ID, proof of address, for identity verification. Please note that this information is required for certain features of the 777Pub service.
Payment Information: In order for you to enjoy all features of the Service (such as placing bets, making purchases, participating in tournaments, etc.), 777Pub will collect payment information from you, such as your credit card number and bank account details.
Voluntary Information: 777Pub also collects information that you voluntarily provide to 777Pub. For example, when you respond to communications from 777Pub, contact 777Pub via email, or share other information about you through the use of services (such as chat functions and in-game communication functions).
Device information: 777Pub collects certain types of connection details and information about your device, software or hardware that may identify you, such as: unique identifier of your device (e.g. UDID, IMEI, MAC address), browsing Server fingerprinting, IP address and geolocation data.
Communications: 777Pub may record or monitor communications such as emails, chats and phone calls for customer support, training and/or security purposes.
Social network: When you register through a social network account (such as your Facebook account), use the service or bind your player account to such an account, 777Pub will have access to the basic information of your social network account, such as your Name, date of birth, profile picture and friends list, as well as information you publicly post on such accounts.
Additionally, when using the Services, you may “invite friends” to the Services through your social networks. If that person accepts your invitation, 777Pub may obtain personal information from him/her, such as name, email address, phone number and date of birth. 777Pub uses personal information for the purposes described herein and discloses such information only to third parties detailed in this privacy statement.
Information 777Pub collects from third parties: 777Pub collects personal information from third-party service providers, such as credit agency information about your credit history and other financial information related to the provision of services, and to verify your identity and prevent fraud or illegality. Information collected from activities.

Non-personal information
The second category of information is unidentified and non-identifiable information about the User that may be provided or collected through the User’s use of the Services (“Non-Personal Information”).

The non-personal information being collected includes technical information and aggregate usage information, which may include, among other things, the user’s operating system, browser type, screen resolution, browser and keyboard language, the user’s “clickstream” and information on the Services. activities, the time period when users access the service and related timestamps, etc.

For the avoidance of doubt, any non-personal information that is related to or associated with Personal Information will be deemed to be Personal Information to the extent that such relationship or association exists.

Types of non-personal information 777Pub collects from or about you:

Technical information: In order to enhance the functionality of the Service and provide you with a better user experience, 777Pub collects technical information transmitted by your device, including certain software and hardware information (for example, the browser type and operation used by your device system, language preference, access times and the website domain name of the service you linked to, etc.).
Game Information: 777Pub records game information, including, among other things, your deposits, bets, winnings, game session duration and your high score information. 777Pub may also share and publish such information through any 777Pub platform.
Device and connection information: If you download software to your device, 777Pub may collect information from the specific device you use for security and fraud detection and prevention purposes. For example, 777Pub may collect information about other software running at the same time as the software to detect whether you are using software related to fraudulent activities (such as bots, malware, etc.), or to check whether the connection you are using is through a VPN or proxy server conduct.
Analytical information: 777Pub collects information about your use of the service, such as application usage, log files, user activities (such as pages viewed, time spent on specific pages, online browsing, clicks, operations, etc.), timestamps, Alerts etc. This information is collected for the purpose of troubleshooting bugs and programming errors, and for the purpose of research and analysis of your use of the Services.
Anonymous Information: 777Pub may anonymize or de-identify information collected through the Services or otherwise so that the information itself does not identify you personally. 777Pub’s use and disclosure of such aggregated or de-identified information is not subject to any restrictions in this Privacy Statement, and 777Pub may disclose the information to others for any purpose without restriction, such as for advertising or marketing purposes.
The Services are not designed for persons under the age of 18, nor are they directed to anyone under the legal age in the jurisdiction in which they use the Services, whichever is higher (the “Legal Age”). If you are not of legal age, you should not download or use the Services or provide any personal information to 777Pub.

777Pub reserves the right to access and verify any personal information collected from you. If 777Pub becomes aware that any information has been shared by users who are not of legal age, 777Pub may discard such information. If you have any reason to believe that a minor has shared any information with 777Pub, please contact 777Pub.

How does 777Pub use the information collected?

777Pub uses your personal information for the following purposes:

Set up, manage and update your account;
To provide and operate services (e.g. for betting and payment processing);
Communicate with you and inform you of the latest updates on 777Pub’s services and special offers;
Market 777Pub’s services (see “Marketing” below) and provide you with advertising, including behavioral advertising;
To carry out analytical, statistical and research purposes in order to improve and tailor the Services to your needs and interests (e.g. to compile aggregate reports on the use of certain features of the 777Pub Services);
For customer relationship management purposes, and to support and handle issues with the Services and respond to your inquiries;
To enable 777Pub to further develop, customize and improve the Services based on users’ common preferences and usage;
Provide you with a responsible gaming environment;
Communicate with you and process any requests you make to exercise your user rights;
Identify and authenticate your access to certain features of the Service;
Detect and prevent fraudulent and illegal activities or any other activity that may jeopardize or negatively impact the integrity of the Services, including identifying risks associated with your activities using the 777Pub Services;
Investigate violations of 777Pub’s policies and user agreement, and enforce 777Pub’s policies and user agreement;
Investigate and resolve disputes related to your use of the Services; and
As required by law or regulation, such as know your customer (“KYC”) and anti-money laundering regulatory requirements, or as required by other governmental authorities, or to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process or to respond to a government request.
The Group will use your personal information, such as your name, home address, email address, phone number, etc., or use 777Pub’s third-party subcontractors to provide you with relevant services and products, services, and websites related to: and promotional materials for the Application: (i) other companies within our Group; (ii) white label brands; or (iii) our Group’s business partners and affiliates that 777Pub believes may be of interest to you (collectively, “Marketing Affiliates” “).

777Pub may also share and disclose personal information with 777Pub’s marketing affiliates for the purpose of providing you with various marketing offers that 777Pub or 777Pub’s marketing affiliates believe are relevant to you. 777Pub’s marketing affiliates may use this personal information for different marketing techniques, such as direct email, postal mail, text messages and phone calls for marketing purposes.

You can update your marketing preferences at any time through customer service (if available). When you choose to download software under 777Pub’s services, notification software may also have been downloaded to your device. This enables 777Pub to send notifications about 777Pub services directly to your device, such as notifications of new features, updates, service communications, offers and promotions.

By downloading such software you agree to receive notifications. If you do not wish to receive such notifications, you will need to manually uninstall the notification software from your device (for example, click on the “What is this” link on the notification you receive and follow the instructions on “How to remove”, or Follow the applicable Settings and Notification Center uninstall instructions on your access device).

You may refuse to receive further marketing offers from 777Pub or 777Pub’s business partners and marketing affiliates at any time by contacting 777Pub via the live chat feature. Please note that even if you unsubscribe from 777Pub’s marketing email list, 777Pub may continue to send you service-related updates and notifications.

Who does 777Pub share information with?
777Pub will not rent, sell or share your personal information with third parties (“Recipients”), except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Statement. Personal information will be disclosed to the recipient only to the extent necessary for the specific purposes set out in this privacy statement.

777Pub shares personal information with the following recipients:

White Label Brand, including any alternative service providers that White Label Brand may engage to operate the White Label Brand (if applicable);
Companies within the group and other related companies;
Subcontractors and third-party service providers and their subcontractors, including, for example, (but not limited to) cloud computing companies, marketing affiliates, identity verification and fraud prevention services, and other data verification agencies;
credit reporting agencies;
payment service providers, payment processors and banks;
Any third party that provides services related to operating or promoting the applicable internal brand or white label brand, as applicable;
Any third party organizing offline events or tournaments on behalf of or in conjunction with any company within the Group;
Hotels and airlines (e.g. offline events and promotions);
auditors, contractors or consultants involved in any of the Group’s business processes;
any third party (such as government authorities, police, banks and other investigative organizations) investigating, detecting or preventing fraudulent or illegal activities;
Licensing authorities, governmental and regulatory agencies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; and potential buyers or investors in any company within the Group or White Label Brand (as applicable), or corporate transactions related to any company within the Group (such as sale of a substantial part of 777Pub’s business, merger, reorganization, bankruptcy, consolidation of assets or sale or operational transfer of assets) (in which case the acquiring company or transferee will assume the rights and obligations described in this Privacy Statement).

In addition to the purposes listed in this privacy statement, 777Pub shares personal information with these recipients for the following purposes:

Store such information on behalf of 777Pub, for example through the use of a cloud computing service provider;
Process such information to assist 777Pub in conducting its business operations (such as processing payments and your deposits, verifying your access rights, auditing 777Pub’s operations, and detecting and preventing fraudulent or illegal activities, etc.);;
Conduct research, technical diagnosis or analysis;
Disseminate targeted advertising, promotional and informational material in accordance with 777Pub’s marketing policy (see the “Marketing” section below); and when 777Pub believes in good faith that disclosure of information is necessary to protect 777Pub’s rights or legal claims, enforce 777Pub’s policies (including 777Pub’s User Agreement and Privacy Statement), protect your safety or the safety of others, and for security reasons to investigate or Prevent fraud, or help 777Pub resolve other related technical issues.

Information transfer

As 777Pub operates globally, it may be necessary to transfer your personal information to countries outside the Philippines. The data protection and other laws of these countries may not be as comprehensive as those of the Philippines.

777Pub uses its best efforts to ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with 777Pub’s Privacy Statement, either contractually (such as using data transfer contract clauses approved by the relevant regulatory authorities) or otherwise (such as ensuring that jurisdictions have appropriate safeguards in place for data protection) ).

If you feel that your privacy protection is not consistent with 777Pub’s statement, or if anyone attempts to abuse the service or act in an inappropriate manner, please contact 777Pub directly through the live chat function.

Third Party Tracking Technologies

When you access or obtain 777Pub’s services (for example, when you visit 777Pub’s website), 777Pub uses (and authorizes third parties to use) web beacons, cookies, pixels, scripts, tags and other technologies (“Tracking Technologies”) .

Tracking technologies allow 777Pub to automatically collect information about you and your online behavior and your device (such as your computer or mobile device) for different purposes, such as enhancing browsing of the 777Pub Service, improving the performance of the 777Pub Service, and customizing Your experience with the 777Pub service. 777Pub also uses this information to collect relevant statistics on the use of 777Pub services, conduct analysis, provide content tailored to your interests, and provide services to 777Pub’s users, advertisers, publishers, customers and partners.

777Pub also allows third parties to collect information about you through tracking technologies. For more information, please visit 777Pub’s Cookie Policy.

Third party services

While using the Services, you may encounter links to third-party websites, services or applications. Please remember that this Privacy Statement does not apply to any third-party websites, services or applications, even if they are obtained, downloaded or otherwise distributed through the Services.

Please note that such third-party websites, services or applications are independent of the Group. 777Pub does not assume any responsibility or liability for privacy issues or any other legal issues regarding such third-party websites and/or services. 777Pub encourages you to carefully read the privacy policies and terms of use of such third-party websites and/or services, as their terms (and not 777Pub’s terms) will apply to any interactions you have with such third parties.

You should always carefully review the privacy practices of such third parties before providing them with personal information.

Your use of any third party website, service or application is knowingly and voluntarily assumed by you entirely at your own risk. You agree that 777Pub has no responsibility or liability for such third-party websites and your use of them.

Personal information retention

If you register an account through 777Pub’s services, the Group will retain your personal information during the validity period of your account. In addition, the Group will additionally retain your personal data to enable the Group to comply with its legal obligations under applicable laws, regulations, such as applicable gambling regulations, know your customer and anti-money laundering regulations.

In addition, the Group may retain your personal information for a longer period where retention of such information is necessary for the Group’s legitimate interests, such as fraud prevention and record keeping.

If you wish to have your personal information deleted for any reason, please send an email to [email protected] and 777Pub will make reasonable efforts to comply with your request.

Your rights

You can contact 777Pub via email at any time and request:

Access or delete any personal information associated with you;
Change or update any personal information relating to you (for example, if you believe your personal information is incorrect, you can request that it be corrected or deleted). Please note that you may also request that 777Pub correct errors regarding your personal information (except where the information is required to be kept in its original format in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations);
777Pub will restrict or stop further use of your personal information;
777Pub will provide the personal information you voluntarily provide in a machine-readable format.
Please note that these rights are not absolute and such requests are subject to any applicable legal requirements, including gambling regulations and other legal and ethical reporting or document retention obligations. 777Pub may also correct, supplement or delete incomplete or inaccurate information at any time at its sole discretion and in accordance with 777Pub’s internal policies.

How 777Pub protects your information security

777Pub takes great care in implementing and maintaining the security of the Service and the security of your information. 777Pub has put in place appropriate physical and technical safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use the information 777Pub collects online. These protections vary depending on the sensitivity of the information collected and stored by 777Pub.

777Pub uses industry standard procedures and controls to ensure the security of user information, such as:

Secure network topology, including intrusion prevention and firewall systems;
encrypted communications;
Authentication and access control;
External and internal audit testing, etc.
Although 777Pub takes reasonable steps to protect information, 777Pub is not responsible for the actions of those who gain unauthorized access to or misuse the Services, and 777Pub makes no warranty, express, implied, or otherwise, that 777Pub will prevent such access.

Changes to Privacy Statement

777Pub reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time, so please revisit this page frequently. 777Pub will notify you of material changes to this Privacy Statement and/or 777Pub will send you an email regarding such changes to the email address you voluntarily provide. Such material changes will be effective seven (7) days after such notice is given with respect to any of the methods described above. Otherwise, all other changes to this Privacy Statement are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” date, and your continued use of the Services after the last revision date will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.

Contact information

777Pub reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time, so please revisit this page frequently. 777Pub will notify you of material changes to this Privacy Statement and/or 777Pub will send you an email regarding such changes to the email address you voluntarily provide. Such material changes will be effective seven (7) days after such notice is given with respect to any of the methods described above. Otherwise, all other changes to this Privacy Statement are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” date, and your continued use of the Services after the last revision date will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.

Contact information
If you have any general questions about the Service or the information 777Pub collects about you and how 777Pub uses it, please contact 777Pub through the chat feature on the 777Pub contact page.

777Pub will endeavor to respond within a reasonable time. Please feel free to contact 777Pub. If you are not satisfied with 777Pub’s response, you can contact the applicable data protection supervisory authority.



When you access or obtain 777Pub’s services (for example, websites or applications operated by 777Pub, or when you interact with or participate in 777Pub content), 777Pub uses (and authorizes third parties to use) web beacons, cookies, pixels Tags, scripts, tags, APIs and other tracking technologies (“Tracking Technologies”).

Tracking technologies allow 777Pub to automatically collect information about you, your online behavior, and your device (such as your computer or mobile device) to enhance browsing on the 777Pub Services, improve the performance of the 777Pub Services, and customize your experience on the 777Pub Services experience. 777Pub also uses this information to collect relevant statistics on the use of 777Pub services, conduct analysis, provide content tailored to your interests, and provide services to 777Pub’s users, advertisers, publishers, customers and partners.

777Pub also allows third parties to collect information about you through tracking technologies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files (consisting only of letters and numbers) that are placed on your computer or mobile device by a web server when you visit a web page. When cookies are used, it can help make 777Pub’s services more user-friendly, for example by remembering your language preferences and settings. You can find more information about cookies at www.allaboutcookies.org.

Cookies are widely used to make websites work more efficiently. The use of cookies allows you to browse different pages efficiently. Cookies remember your preferences and make your interaction with the Service smoother and more effective. Cookies are also used to help ensure that the advertisements you see online are relevant to you and your interests.

Storage tracking technology

When you access or obtain 777Pub’s services (for example, when you visit 777Pub’s website), these technologies are called “first-party tracking technologies.” In addition, tracking technologies are stored by other third parties that run content on the 777Pub Service (for example, 777Pub’s analytics service providers, business partners, and advertisers), which are referred to as “Third-Party Tracking Technologies.”

Both types of tracking technologies may be stored during your visit to 777Pub’s services or on repeat visits.

What types of tracking technologies does 777Pub use?
There are four main tracking technologies:

Strictly necessary tracking technology
These tracking technologies are essential for you to log in, browse and use the features of the 777Pub service or to provide the services you requested (such as your username). 777Pub does not require your consent to use these tracking technologies. For security and integrity reasons, for example, these tracking technologies may be used to detect violations of 777Pub’s policies and for support or security functions.
functional tracking technology
These tracking technologies allow 777Pub’s services to remember your choices (such as your language) and provide enhanced and personalized features. For example, these tracking technologies are used for authentication (remembering when you log in) and to support other features of the 777Pub Service.
performance tracking technology
These tracking technologies collect information about your online activities (such as the duration of your visit to the 777Pub Service), including behavioral data and content engagement metrics. These tracking technologies are used for analysis, research, and statistics (based on aggregate information).
Marketing or advertising tracking technologies
These tracking technologies are used to provide you with offers and advertising tailored to your derived interests and to conduct email marketing campaigns. They can also be used to limit the number of times you see an ad and help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They are typically served by 777Pub’s advertisers (such as ad networks) and provide them with analytics about users who viewed and interacted with their ads, visited their websites, or used their apps. 777Pub’s website contains social media features, such as Facebook “Like” or “Share” buttons. These features are hosted either by a third party or directly on 777Pub’s services. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy statement of the company that provides them.
Tracking Technology Type Purpose
Analytical Cookies First-Party Tracking Technology Performance Tracking Technology

These tracking technologies are used to collect information about how you interact with content on the 777Pub service, attribution purposes (such as referral URLs), etc. 777Pub uses this information to prepare reports, calculate 777Pub’s due revenue, help 777Pub improve its services, and provide personalized products and content.
Other Cookies First and Third Party Tracking Technologies Strictly Necessary Tracking Technologies

These unlisted cookies may be used by internal parts of the service to customize and simplify the user experience on the website by remembering the choices you have made and your login credentials.

How to manage your cookie settings

Please note that 777Pub does not recognize or respond to automated browser signals regarding tracking technologies, including “Do Not Track” requests. However, you can manage and control your cookie settings in a variety of ways. Please keep in mind that by deleting or blocking cookies, some features of the Services may not work properly or efficiently. If you wish to update your preferences at any time, please click here.

Turn off cookies via your web browser

Most web browsers will provide you with some general information about cookies, enable you to view the cookies stored on your device, enable you to delete them all or individually, and enable you to block or allow all or individually selected websites. Cookies. You can also usually turn off third-party cookies individually. Please note that settings provided by a browser or device often only apply to a specific browser or device.
Information about cookies can usually be found in the “Help” section of your web browser. Here are links to some commonly used web browsers:
Chrome for mobile
Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox

Turn off third-party cookies

You can turn off certain third-party targeting/advertising cookies by visiting the following link: Network Advertising Initiative.